I’ve been following Intel’s new Viiv platform for a while, and Intel confirmed some details this week at a launch event. Viiv is Intel’s latest platform, specifically to enable Media Center functionality in the desktop and in homes. From transcoding ability built-in, automatic driver updates, and ability to transfer content to other devices, Intel is betting that’s it’s the cornerstone of the future home.

The good news is that the hardware won’t check for DRM and watermarks natively. From the CNet Australia article:

Interestingly, MacDonald also told CNET.com.au that Viiv won’t be testing to see if the content being played is pirated from networks such as BitTorrent. He believes that it’s not Intel’s job to be policing downloads and that it’s wrong to assume that “all consumers are criminals”. As such, Viiv won’t test for “watermarks” or other red flags that reveal pirated content, allowing any type of media to be played.

Ultimately, though, MacDonald is confident that piracy won’t be a significant issue for Viiv, as Intel promises to “make content easier to buy than it is to pirate”.