I heard on the way home last night on National Public Radio, that the 2nd Circuit Court has struck down key portions of Section 505 of the Patriot Act.

Specifically, Section 505 allows the Justice Department to send a NSL, National Security Letter, to businesses, demanding information related to terrorism, without a court order. U.S. District Court Judge Victor Marreo found this disturbing without judicial oversight. The Justice Department was required to submit a list of all businesses that they had done this to – and did, which was 5 pages long, with every line blacked out.

Judge Victor Marreo also struck down the portion that requires individuals and business not to disclose that the DOJ or FBI has requested the letter – so even if you receive one, you coudn’t tell a lawyer.

The challenge was brought by the ACLU, representing a “John Doe” ISP – who by law the ACLU can’t mention by name.