I just finished Chuck Palahniuk breakthrough novel Fight Club. Yes, the novel that inspired the movie starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. (On a side note, I’ve mentioned to one of my friends that I don’t think Ed Norton has ever done a bad movie. Even that one with Robert DeNiro – not a good movie, but it had DeNiro.)

The book was amazing. It’s very short, just slightly longer than a novella. The movie was surprisingly closer to the book than I expected, but the book’s ending was better. I can see why the movie couldn’t go that direction and applaud the way the movie did end in keeping with the spirit of the book.

I am Joe’s impressed reader.

The book makes you question everything – how you live, American consumerism, and what matters. The prose’s style is quick and captures you. You quickly overcome the quirkiness of the prose itself and have a hard time putting the book down.

The book has been on my want to read list for years, and my wife got it for me for Christmas. Now to collect the rest. Unfortunately, most of his books are trade paperbacks, and are fairly small, so paying $10-$14 is a bit much. I’ll have to check half.com to see if regular paperbacks were ever published.