SF Signal, the most recent Hugo award winning fanzine, posted a meme on Saturday with a “last” theme.  Here we go:

  1. The last sf/f book I finished reading: Shift Omnibus by Hugh Howey
  2. The last sf/f book I did NOT finish: Perdido Street Station by China Miéville (I loved The City & the City but just could not finish this one.  It’s very rare for me to not finish a book.)
  3. The last sf/f book(s) I bought: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
  4. The last sf/f book I bought that I already owned: Reamde by Neal Stephenson (I buy all of his books in hardcover and Amazon had the Kindle version for $2.  Couldn’t resist).
  5. The last sf/f book I shared with someone: A Game of Thrones (a co-worker is sucked into the TV series and wanted to read the books.  He agrees the books are even better, as good as the HBO series is).
  6. The last sf/f book I raved about: Ancillary Justice – I just started reading it this weekend and am already raving about it.  We’ll see how the end is.
  7. The last sf/f book I did not enjoy at all: There Goes the Galaxy by Jenn Thorson.  It was another Kindle deal for free or a buck.  If you look at the reviews, it has 33 5 star reviews and 21 4 star reviews (54 out of 61 reviews).  It was trite, the writing wasn’t all that great and you could see the end coming a mile away.  It tried way too hard to be in the vein of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and just didn’t pull it off.

If you’re not reading SFSignal, you should be – it’s worth it for the daily round-up of links to discounted and free eBooks alone.  There is a very good reason they won the Hugo for best Fanzine this year.