This article sums up most of my views of gaming on Linux.

I have 2 machines that still run XP – one for gaming, the other I used to 2box my other Everquest account back in the day. It still has a bunch of music I need to transfer to my server, but other than that, I keep telling myself it will be for video editing as that’s the only other thing Linux isn’t as good as Windows still.

But back to Linux gaming: As I game less and less now, I realize I have to get my basement done, as my using my high end computer for non-gaming tasks drives me nuts in Windows. For the last two weeks I’ve seriously considered wiping my XP partition, or at the least making it dual boot. But I’m lazy, though I’m getting closer every day. As I look at what games I play, only Doom 3 has the potential to be played on Linux. If I only ran Linux, I’d have UT2k4 there as well. I had great success with NeverWinter Nights on Linux, but other than that, there are no RPG choices. As I debate EQ2 and World of Warcraft, neither will play on Linux.

Is playing games on the X-box my only choice? (If I were to only run Linux).

I absolutely agree with the article regarding WINE. WINE is not an option for Linux gaming, and for developers it’s a cop-out. Yes, I understand DirectX has matured better and faster than OpenGL. But if major games can work natively on Mac OSX, is Linux that far out of reach?