My favorite photo-sharing site, Flickr was acquired by Yahoo this week.

The link to the Flickr Blog has some interesting Q&As about what it means.

While I’m nervous about it, I’m not worried. I hope what they’re saying is true that Flickr will influence Yahoo more than Yahoo influencing Flickr.

Flickr is great for a few reasons:

It’s completely built on Open Source software.

Flickr’s use of Creative Commons

Flickr’s use of social networking to tag photos. (Search for “Packers” some time – you see some great shot of Lambeau during a game).

Flickr’s tools for integrating photos into blogs.

I’m very happy for Ludicorp. Good for them for building a site that works, people like, and being able to make some money for it.

CNet’s did a great story on Flickr, tagging, and it’s acquisition.